sand sculptures
Sand sculptures are ephemeral works of art made using only sand and water and in most cases the sand is compacted in wooden forms to create a stable block of sand which is then sculpted by the artist. Professional sand sculptors can recreate any subject in sand. Usually the idea for the sculpture is discussed with the client in order to insure the best possible visual solutions and drawings and deadlines are agreed on before starting the construction. These processes make sand sculpture ideal for enhancing the image of festivals, exhibitions, product launches and any event that attracts large numbers of people.

Contrary to popular belief many sand sculptures are built in locations away from the beach, any location with easy public access can make a great venue for a sand sculpture. Sculptures can vary in size from miniture masterpieces to large scale projects the size of a football pitch.

The duration of the sculpture is agreed on before starting a project and preservation methods ensure that the sculpture lasts for the agreed period of time. With the use of water based fixatives, outdoor sculptures will remain undamaged by light to moderate rain and wind, and can last up to a month or more. Sculptures housed in a tent, if left undisturbed, last indefinately with documented cases of sculptures remaining completely intact for more than a year.

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